Laws, Regulations and Standards
Financial Reporting Act
Financial Reporting Framework and Standards for statutory bodies:
FRC Guidance on Revenue IPSAS Framework
Financial Reporting Standards for Small Entities March 2015
Financial Reporting Framework and Standards for Statutory Bodies 2010
International Standards on Auditing: What’s new from IFAC
Exposure Draft Proposed ISAs 800 and 805 – 21 January 2015
Highlights on Exposure Draft Proposed ISAs 800 and 805
Works of FRC on Auditing Standards
IFRS and Audit Risk
International Financial Reporting Standards: IFRS for SMEs
Consolidated Red books
Works of FRC on IFRS
IFRS 15 – impact of Application (August 2015)
IFRS and Audit Risk
What’s new from IASB
Corporate Governance: The National Code of Corporate Governance for Mauritius (2016)
Guidelines on Corporate Governance
Report on Corporate Governance
Financial Reporting (Reporting on Compliance with the Code of Corporate Governance) Guidelines 2019
Guidelines on sanctions on auditors
Guidelines – reporting on compliance on CCG by Auditor